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70 Meeting Warm-ups for Positive Teams
Why start meetings with warm-ups?
Taking a few minutes to connect as a team before moving into your first agenda item helps people transition into a collaborative space with purpose and intentionality, a sense of connection and inclusion, a boost of energy, and a resourceful mindset.
The meeting warm-ups provided here are all based in the sciences of applied positive psychology and coaching psychology, and these types of reflections have been shown to strengthen team and individual effectiveness, wellbeing, and impact.
What's in this toolkit?
In this toolkit you'll find tips for facilitating 5-10 minute meeting warm-ups, with 10 activity prompts for each of these topics...
Solution Focus
Positive Emotion
How can we order and use this toolkit?
Your toolkit will be labelled with a schoolwide Site License that allows any of your staff members to use the activity prompts for team-building activities at your school.
​Complete the form below to order your toolkit and provide your school details. Then we'll send you a payment link.
The fee for your toolkit with a Site License is €250.
(+EU VAT where applicable)
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