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Gera Klijnsma

Safe Harbour Coordinator and High School Counseling Assistant

American School of The Hague



Schools Where I've Worked

• Jakarta Intercultural School, Jakarta, Indonesia

Coaching Credentials

Solros Certified Positive Peer Coach

About Me as a Coach

After 10 international moves on 4 continents, as well as 2 repatriations, as a 'co-pilot', raising two Third Culture Kids along the way, I know how easy it is to feel overwhelmed when you need to move (positions, schools or countries), deal with change and the unknown, when you need to reinvent yourself (again), or when you experience loss. It can make a difference to talk with someone who understands, and can help you find your bearings again.

About Me as a Coach

After 10 international moves on 4 continents, as well as 2 repatriations, as a 'co-pilot', raising two Third Culture Kids along the way, I know how easy it is to feel overwhelmed when you need to move (positions, schools or countries), deal with change and the unknown, when you need to reinvent yourself (again), or when you experience loss. It can make a difference to talk with someone who understands, and can help you find your bearings again.

Strengths Profile

• Unconditionality
• Rapport Builder
• Connector
• Spotlight
• Persuasion

Values In Action (VIA)

• Humor
• Love of Learning
• Honesty
• Humility
• Social Intelligence

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