Meet Our Founder
Solros was founded by Kristin Lowe, a former international school teacher who now works as an organizational development consultant and coach.
Hello! ...and thanks for stopping by.

Hi there! I'm Kristin, and Solros is my positivity project.
I'm a former international school teacher now working as an Organizational Development Consultant and Certified Positive Psychology and Brief Solutions-Focused Coach.
I'm married to a long-time international school leader, and together we've raised three terrific daughters in Japan, Hong Kong, Beijing, and the Netherlands.
I'm passionate about helping international school leaders, teachers, staff, and parents use the tools and principles of positive psychology coaching to develop community-wide wellbeing, energy, engagement, and teamwork while teaching, mentoring, and raising our next generation of change-makers.
I've seen firsthand how positive psychology coaching transforms lives, teams, families, and schools - empowering and equipping each person to fulfill their unique, meaningful, and positive purpose in the world.
...and I'm on a mission to help as many people as possible do exactly that.
Here's a bit about my background and interests...

Curiosity and Drive are a couple of my strengths, so...
I began my career as a teacher, started a productivity training and coaching business, and spent 13 years working in corporate Learning and Development.
I also studied organizational psychology, positive psychology, advanced instructional design, counseling, and coaching.
I built and developed two terrific consulting teams from scratch, trained trainers, and gained loads of valuable leadership experience in the process. All along the way, I learned a lot about what helps people and organizations learn, grow and thrive.
Then I took a little break, and I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do next...
...and the answer became crystal clear.
Over the years my husband (an international school Director) and I have talked and talked about what we believe is needed to transform international education so it can best serve the needs of our next generations of change-makers, equipping students for a positive future as capable, confident, and caring people.
To us, this includes serving the development needs of faculty and staff as well. He's been doing his part to innovate and support positive change within school communities every day.
And I wanted to do my part, too.
So I started to work on a new idea...

...and that brings us to today.
Solros is my way of bringing all of my learning, experience, positivity, and passion back to my roots in international education.
I must say - I really missed it, and it's great to be back!
I absolutely love working with international educators again. You are my people, and together we can change the world (our little part of it, anyway)!
I've listed some highlights of my professional journey below. If you're curious about the details, you can read all that on my LinkedIn profile.
I also share micro-coaching posts 3x/week on LinkedIn, so feel free to follow me to see those in your feed!
What does Solros mean?
Solros means sunflower in Swedish, and I have a bit of Swedish heritage. The sunflower is a popular motif in my field of positive psychology because it's a heliotrope, a kind of flower that moves to grow toward the sun - its source of light and energy.
David Cooperrider, one of the founders of Appreciative Inquiry, established the "heliotropic hypothesis," which states that "social systems evolve toward the most positive images they hold of themselves."
This image of groups of people moving together toward what brings them light and energy has captivated me for a long time, and every day I feel honored to be able to help facilitate this positive movement and growth with our clients.

Here's some of the "official stuff" about me...

International school teaching, PD programs, wellbeing program consultancy, parent education
Startup team leadership:
capability & capacity building​​
Coaching & facilitation: leadership, productivity, and collaboration
Consultative global program
design and trainer-training for multinational corporations on 6 continents​​
Direct, intensive study with two of the world's leading researchers in positive psychology: Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener (coaching); and Dr. Lea Waters (positive education)

B.S. Education / TESOL
M.A. Organizational Psychology
ICF Associate Certified Coach
Certified Positive Psychology Coach​ (CPPC)
Certified Brief (Solution Focused) Coach
Certified International Counselor
ATD Master Instructional Designer
Strength Switch Parenting Course Licensed Facilitator
Visible Wellbeing™ Licensed Facilitator (Schoolwide Wellbeing)​
Tools & Assessments
Accredited in these instruments...
Strengths Profile​
MBTI Steps 1&2​
Hogan Leadership Forecast​​
BetterUp Whole Person Model
SEARCH Wellbeing Framework
​Experienced in using these...
PCQ (Psychological Capital)
VIA Character Strengths